- Read “Green Shamrocks” by Eve Bunting … what a cute story about a rabbit who plants shamrock seeds to grow in time for St. Patrick’s Day, only to find the pot missing.
- Grow your own Shamrocks
- In the past I have found little shamrock clover kits at Target in the dollar spot.
- They come with a little (tiny) pot, instant soil and shamrock seeds. They grow very quickly.
- I also saw a little terrarium-type kit
with shamrock seeds at Michael’s the other day!
- Shamrock Dot-to-Dot … a perfect counting activity for St. Patrick’s Day from Kaboomu.
- Shamrock Treasure Hunt … you know that we love treasure hunts around here, so I’m loving this green idea from Little Wonders’ Days!
- Do-a-Dot Shamrock Counting Game
- Shamrock Pepper Prints
- Cut a green bell pepper in half.
- Dip the cut end in green paint.
- Press onto a white piece of paper to make shamrock prints!
- Add a little stem with paint or a green marker.
- Mixing Shamrock Fingerpaints … fun idea from Mommy and Me Book Club
- Draw a large shamrock on watercolor paper.
- Add one blob of blue paint + one blob of yellow paint.
- Use your fingers to mix the paint to create green.
- Let dry, then cut out your beautiful shamrock!
- Sparkling Shamrocks
- Fold a paper in half and cut out a white paper shamrock.
- Unfold and let the kids paint one half blue and the other half yellow (fairly thick).
- Refold the shamrock, smoothing from the fold outward.
- Open up and sprinkle with a little green glitter. Wow!
- Treat Idea: Shamrock Shakes … my kids will be in heaven with these
- Scoop vanilla bean ice cream into a blender.
- Add several mint Oreos.
- Add a little milk.
- Blend to milkshake consistency. Enjoy!
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