- Preschool Down Under … okay, not the Australia down under…
- Spread out a blanket under the kitchen table and have preschool down under the table today!

- Read “Up Above and Down Below” by Sue Redding … what fun illustrations! You can see what it going on up above as well as underneath!
- Dig for the letter U
- Use a large plastic tub or sand table.
- Cut out a large letter U.
- Laminate and attach the letter "U" cutout to the bottom of a large container or sand table (or attach it with contact paper).
- Fill the container with sand, rice or shaving cream.
- Let the kids use their hands to dig for the letter and uncover it.

- Over & Under Obstacle Course
- Use yarn to create an obstacle course in your hallway.
- Tie the yarn to anything you can or use pushpins.
- See if you can make it through the obstacle course without touching the yarn by going UNDER and over!
- Play a game of hide & seek
- We used Easter eggs, but you could use anything you want to (cars, blocks, toys).
- Hide them UNDER things. We hid them under pillows, under chairs, under shoes. The kids loved doing it over and over again.
- Snack Time … eat your snack UNDER the table today!
My little one just learned the word "up"! I love the "Up Above" book :)And the "laser" obstacle course is classic, I will have to remember that for when he's a little older.