- Fire Safety Week is in October.
- Check with your local fire department.
- Most of them do a open house or something fun for the kids during Fire Safety week or the Saturday before! They love having kids come to visit!
- Read “The Fire Engine Book” by Tibor Gergely
- Adorable: The fun rhyme and illustrations in this book make it one of my favorites to read to my kids. We love it.
- Teach about Fire Safety … here is a great list from Kids Soup
- Smoke alarms warn about fires
- Practice stop, drop and roll
- Get low and go under the smoke
- Get out of a burning building and stay out
- Don't be afraid of Firefighters - Firefighters rescue people
- Hot things burn and don't play with fire
- Plan and practice a home fire escape plan
- Designate a meeting place outside.
- Be a Fire Safety Inspector … print this terrific checklist from Sparky.org. I love how the kids color the circles red, yellow or green depending on how safe they are. It makes them aware of the fire safety in their own home!
- Chalk Firefighting
- Use chalk to draw flames on a fence or sidewalk.
- Wear firefighter hats if you have them. Or get them here
. I noticed our Dollar Tree has sturdy hats for Halloween right now.
- Let the kids use a hose or spray bottle to spray the flames. They come right off!
- Visit a fire department
- Look at the engines and around the fire station.
- Bring a thank you letter to the firefighters! They do an amazing job!
- Practice a fire drill … click here to print.
- I’m impressed with these ready-to-use plans and instructions from Sparky.org. What a great way to plan ahead, teach the kids, and practice it together!
- Have a plan to get out of the house & where to meet.
- Practice getting out of the house two different ways
- Stop, Drop, & Roll the felt flames
- Demonstrate how to Stop, Drop & Roll. If you’re not sure, check it out here.
- To practice, place felt “flames” on your clothing.
- Stop, Drop & Roll until all of the flames fall off.
- Sparky’s Coloring Page … click here to print the page above.
- Crawl Below the Smoke
- Explain that when there is smoke, we need to crawl beneath it to stay safe.
- Use a bed sheet and have the kids hold it along the edges.
- TIP: I will probably tuck one edge between the bed mattresses or couch cushions since I don’t have enough preschoolers to hold it.
- Shake the sheet gently to make pretend smoke while the kids crawl on their hands and knees underneath to “safety”
- Fire Safety Song … to the tune of Frere Jacque
If there’s fire, If there’s fire
In your house, In your house
What do you do? What do you do?
- Sparky.org … I’m really impressed with this website. Lots of fun activities and games for the kids. You can:
- Learn about the parts of a fire engine
- Play a fire drill challenge
- Play a matching game, but stop to get out the door when the fire alarm goes off.
- Print activities and crafts
- Printables for an entire fire safety party (pin the badge on Sparky, cupcake toppers, bottle wrappers, headbands, use licorice sticks for fire hoses)
- Sparky’s Preschool Lesson Plan … click here.
- They even have ready-to-use lesson plans for Pre-K, 1-2 and 3-5.
- The Pre-K lesson plan has several sounds to listen to including a smoke alarm.
- The kids learn that when they hear that sound, they stop what they’re doing (even sleeping) and get out of the house.
- Includes a worksheet to circle and write the letters B-E-E-P.
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