B is for Buttons

- Read “Corduroy” by Don Freeman … this fuzzy little bear in green overalls goes looking for his missing button.

- Preschool Journal B page
- Practice writing letter B and ‘Buttons’
- Use glue dots
to stick buttons to the page.
- Button Sorting with Corduroy … loved the idea of pairing this activity with this book … from the Princess and the Tot

- Button Bracelet … the pipe cleaners make it easier to string the buttons, but the ends are a little scratchy. A piece of yarn taped at the end would work too!
- Use a pipe cleaner and several colorful buttons
- String the pipe cleaner through two button holes. I love how my 4-year-old strung tons of buttons on his bracelet too (on his left hand in the picture.)
- Twist the ends together to make your bracelet!

- Button Lacing Card
- Use a clean yogurt or cottage cheese lid.
- Punch holes all around the outside edge.
- Let the kids “sew” the button (just like Lisa in ‘Corduroy’) by lacing in and out of the holes. I used a couple of my husband’s extra shoe laces and that worked great!

- Button Matching Game … both of my kids loved doing this over and over. Really a fun game!
- Make a color copy of several buttons. I just placed them on my printer’s copy screen.
- Place all of the buttons in a ziploc baggie.
- Number the button paper and bag of buttons so you know which goes with which.
- Repeat with several different button pages.
- To Play:
- Have the kids carefully pour the buttons out on the table.
- Match the buttons to the printed buttons on the page!

- Button Snake … a fun way to practice buttoning with just a little parent prep!
- Cut a length of ribbon and several circles of felt in a variety of colors.
- Use hot glue to sandwich one end of the ribbon between two buttons (the snake’s head).
- Sew a felt circle to the other end of your ribbon snake.
- Cut a small slit in the middle of each felt circle (just fold in half and make a small cut on the fold) … just big enough for the buttons to fit through.
- Have the kids kids string the felt circles onto the ribbon snake. Unstring (unbutton) and try it again!
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