Grandpa Bunny Bunny

- Read “Grandpa Bunny” … this is one of my very favorites. My mom gave it to my kids a few years ago, because we had it when I was little. I love it. Grandpa Bunny Bunny teaches each new bunny crop how to paint Easter eggs, spring blossoms, autumn leaves and shadows on the snow. We read this all year round.

- Paint colorful crayon eggs … So colorful and cute from Chalk Talk
- Cut out a large egg shape from white cardstock.
- Let the kids use crayons to make designs on their Easter egg (the harder you push, the brighter the colors!)
- Use a watered-down blue paint and brush over the entire egg.
- Let dry. The paint won’t stick where the crayons are and they end up looking beautiful!
- How to Dye an Easter Egg
- Have the kids tell you “How to Dye an Easter Egg”
- Write their instructions down word for word!
- We have done this for “How to Cook a Turkey” and it is hilarious

- ABC Egg Hunt … of course, we have to end an egg day with an Easter egg hunt. See the original post and printable here.
- Print 2 copies of the ABC tiles and cut one page apart.
- Hide each of the letters in plastic Easter eggs and hide around the room.
- Let the kids find an egg, open it and match their letter to the letters on the ABC page.
I love that ABC Easter Egg Hunt! Awesome idea!