B is for Butterfly

- Read “Butterfly Butterfly: A Book of Colors
” by Petr Horacek … this is a new book for us. We love it! A little girl finds a butterfly in her garden. The next day, she can’t find it, but she does find other colorful things. The last page is a beautiful fluttery butterfly pop-up.

- Read “Are You a Butterfly?
” by Judy Allen & Tudor Humphries … this is a fun, simple, non-fiction book. I love it because the kids can really interact with it. - Ask the kids to find the letter B’s on the cover.
- There are lots of opportunities to interact with the book:
- Do their parents look like a butterfly’s parents?
- Pretend to eat a leaf
- Use their feelers (two fingers pointed up) to “smell” flowers
- Use their long tongue to drink nectar
- Fly around the room!

- Stickers on B page
- Draw a large B on a piece of paper.
- I write it for my younger kids and they trace it with a pencil or crayon. My older preschoolers can write it themselves.
- Stick butterfly stickers all over the page. I got these at Michael’s. Several butterfly stickers available here
. - Draw half of a butterfly (the left half). Show your kids how to finish the butterfly by writing a B on the right side.
- Watch “The Butterfly Colors Song” … my kids love this song. It really is cute.
- Cut out a simple red, green, yellow, pink, purple, orange butterfly shape. I used this one. Click the image below to print on colored paper.
- Place them on the floor.
- Roll up six pieces of tape and stick them to the wall or a door.
- Play the song again and have the kids pick up the matching color and stick it to a piece of tape.
- Point to each color during the chorus.

- Make B Butterflies
- Fold a piece of white paper in half vertically (hotdog-style).
- Help the kids draw a large B on the fold of the paper. I always tell my kids “Down. Bump. Bump.” Whatever works
- Let them cut out their B.
- Unfold to see their white butterfly!
- Use several colors of paint (we use Crayola Washable Kids Paints
) to paint one half of the butterfly. - Fold the butterfly in half again and press down.
- Open it again to see the beautiful, colorful, symmetrical butterfly!
- Let dry and add eyes, antennae, stickers or other decorations
- Pony Bead Butterfly … I loved this idea from Where Imagination Grows! We didn’t get to this, but will pull it out again on a rainy day! So cute.

- Simple Butterfly Lunch
- Make your favorite sandwich and cut it into a circle. Then cut the circle in half.
- Use a cheese stick for the body. Turn the sandwich halves to make wings. Add pretzel stick antennae!
- Let the kids add grapes or raisins to decorate the wings.
- Cut out a simple flower shape (from paper or foam paper) and cut a hole in the center. Place it on top of a cup of juice (nectar). Place a straw in the hole and drink (just like a butterfly uses a proboscis to drink!) Thank you First Grade Shenanigans for the fun idea!

- Make Butterfly Treats … make these for a treat or do what we did and use them for treats after the following story.
- Decorate a clothespin.
- Use glue to attach googly eyes and pipe cleaner antennae. I use hot glue because it dries fast and is strong. Just be very careful when your little ones are helping you!
- Clip the butterfly clothespin onto a bag of treats (M&Ms, Skittles, fruit snacks, etc.)
- Several other healthy and not-so-healthy butterfly treats found here.
- Family Home Evening Idea … every Monday is our family home evening. We do a song, prayer, short lesson, and treat with our family. This story and activity worked perfectly with our butterfly day.
- Prep: Make a butterfly finger puppet. Either with felt or print one and laminate it. Attach a loop to the back (for your finger). Hide the butterfly somewhere in the room.
- Read the story “How to Catch a Butterfly” by Marilyn Wood. Found here. You can also download an audio version on the right-hand side under “download”.
- TIP: Sometimes, I draw a few pictures to go along with the story (think stick people!) It helps the kids to pay attention
- Give each of the kids a butterfly to hold and show you how to treat it reverently.
- Tell the kids to look around the room for the hidden butterfly and fold their arms once they spot it.
- Ask one of the kids to get the butterfly and everyone else to cup their hands like they’re holding water.
- Have the butterfly fly over and “sip” from each cupped hand. If they’re not being reverent, the butterfly will get scared and fly away.
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