
Sunday, May 22, 2011


Pirate Dress Up
  1. Make a paper pirate hat. You can use the link here and stop at #6.
  2. Pirates need an eye patch. I just used some black felt I had on hand, cut it into a patch shape, punched some holes in the sides and tied a long rubber band on each end.
  3. A paper towel tube can be a great spy glass.
  4. A church tie works for a belt
  5. And of course a shoe box, converted into a treasure box.
pirate4  pirate5
Pirate Adventures (with inspiration from this book!) … Michelle from A Little Tipsy shared a great afternoon centered around this book. See the original post here!
    • Read How I Became a Pirate by David Shannon.pirate6
    • Make rice krispy treat sand castles!
      1. Mix up a batch of Rice Krispies.
      2. Spray the table and kids hands with non-stick spray.
      3. Give the kids a lump of Rice Krispies and let them create a sand castle!
    • Treasure Hunt Mappirate7
      1. Draw a simple map of your backyard or inside the house on a brown grocery bag. Crumble it up, then roll it up and tie.
      2. Let the kids follow the map to the treasure. Have them complete tasks along the way.pirate8
      3. TASK 1: Sail a cardboard boat from one point to the next.
      4. TASK 2: walk the plank (balance across a long board on the ground)
      5. TASK 3: peg leg race (tie your legs together like a 3-legged race)
      6. TASK 4: find a large red x-marks-the-spot and their treasure!
I love the treasure Michelle made! A little treasure chest full of Reese’s Pieces and a sword made from paint sticks.
snack idea: bury their snack in the treasure box and hide it somewhere. A map to their snack with X-marks-the-spot would make you the best mom around Smile

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