
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Alphabet Letter Egg Hunt

We actually didn’t do this during E week or Easter. We did it during Y week, just because it sounded like fun Smile

DSC02426  DSC02427

    1. Make a page with all of the letters of the alphabet.
    2. Print a second page and cut out each of the letters. I have mine laminated. I made my page years ago, but I’ll try to get it scanned in so you can just print it.
    3. Have the kids help you put one letter inside each plastic Easter egg and close them.
    4. I had them run into the other room while I hid them.
    5. When they found an egg, they opened it up, took out their letter and told me what it was, then matched it to the same letter on the page.
    6. Then they could run and find another one.
    7. (Here’s a different sheet of letter tiles you can print out! Just click on the picture, then right click to print or save.)


1 comment:

  1. This is a VERY clever idea. I love going to your page each time I am preparing our preschool lessons to find something cool to do related to our letter of that week. I have also printed off your calendars, have them hanging up in kitchen, and highlight anything we do, to help me see that I have incorporated ideas in. I like how it can be there, to glance at to get a quick idea for breaking up our day! :)


I love your comments! Feel free to leave a link if you've done any of these activities with your kids. I'd love to visit your blog!