
Friday, May 20, 2011

Yellow Yarn

  • Glue Y Page … Start your week by gluing yellow yarn to your letter Y alphabet page. I had my 3-year-old help measure the yarn to fit on the three Y lines, then he cut them.
  • Cutting Yarn
    1. My 3-year-olds favorite activity was actually using his little scissors to cut, cut and cut little pieces of yellow yarn.
    2. It’s great cutting practice for those little fingers.
    3. Then we glued some of them onto our letter Y.
yarn ball
  • Make a yarn puff ball. So easy and the little ball you end up with can be used for all sorts of games. Image from Art Projects for Kids.
    1. Cut a piece of cardboard about 2”x4” (the wider your cardboard, the bigger your puff ball)
    2. Start winding the yarn around and around the cardboard. Not too tightly or it’s hard to get off. The more you wind, the thicker and puffier the ball will be.
    3. Carefully slide the yard off, keeping it looped.
    4. Tie a piece of yard tightly around the middle and knot it a couple of times.
    5. Cut all of the loops and you have a puffy yard ball!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a cute idea!!

    Stopping in from Tatortots and Jello's linky party!


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