
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pillowcase (or Sewing)

I love doing preschool at home because we can do anything we want to. It’s not always sitting at the table with letters and numbers or papers and crayons. Making a pillowcase is S.I.M.P.L.E. and very forgiving of mistakes. Believe me, I don’t sew more than straight lines and these always turn out great Smile
  1. Go to the fabric store and let your preschooler pick out one yard of material. You’ll need matching thread if you don’t already have some. That’s it.
  2. Wash & dry your fabric.(45) cutting the scraggly strings
  3. Lay the material out flat on the floor and use little scissors to cut all the scraggly threads off the edges.
  4. With the right side down, fold the long edge down about one inch. I have one of those little slider sewing rulers, so I let my 3-year-old use that to measure as we pinned along the way.
  5. Sew a straight stitch all along that long edge. Matt helped me push the pedal, raise and lower the foot, take out pins, and cut the threads when we were finished.(49)
  6. Lay the material flat on the floor, right side down, and fold the same long edge over another 3 or 4 inches. It’s really up to you. Use your ruler again and pin.
  7. Sew a straight stitch along the long edge.
  8. Now fold the pillowcase in half, right sides together and pin all the way around.
  9. Sew a straight stitch all the way around, trim the threads and turn inside out. You have a nice new soft pillowcase!(52) so proud of it!
  • Go slow! Be patient. Yes, you could whip this out in 20 minutes, but let the kids help wherever they can. They love it.
  • Pillowcases don’t have to be perfect. I love making these because they’re very forgiving and still look great.
  • Careful with the pins. They do hurt little fingers Smile

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I love your comments! Feel free to leave a link if you've done any of these activities with your kids. I'd love to visit your blog!