
Monday, May 23, 2011

M&M bowtie card


Simple and yummy card for Father’s Day

  1. Cut a piece of cardstock in half, then fold each of those in half to make two cards.
  2. Draw a simple head and neck on the front.
  3. Let the kids decorate their “DAD” with hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears…
  4. Tie a piece of ribbon around a mini pack of M&Ms.
  5. Glue the M&M bowtie onto the neck just under Dad’s chin (I love using hot glue. It dries quickly and holds tight)
  6. Open the card and let the kids write a nice note inside.

Happy Father’s Day!

1 comment:

I love your comments! Feel free to leave a link if you've done any of these activities with your kids. I'd love to visit your blog!