
Sunday, May 22, 2011


  • Go fishing for alphabet letters ...
    1. Print out 26 clipart fish (I love using Microsoft Clipart and it’s free!) I actually printed these fish from a resource CD I purchased.
    2. Write one letter on each fish (ABCD…)
    3. Attach a paper clip to each fish.
    4. Make a fishing rod with a dowel, yarn & magnet attaching to the end. DSC04628
    5. Have the kids catch one fish and name the letter they caught!
    6. To make it more challenging, write out the alphabet and have them cross off each letter they catch and match. *This is my 5-year-old in the picture, so he wanted to write the letters himself.
  • Make yummy Cup-0-Fish.
    1. Make blue jell-o according to box.
    2. Pour into individual clear cups.
    3. Let chill an hour & add gummy fish.
  • Eat fish for dinner!
  • ocean22_thumb4
  • Fingerprint Fish
    1. Print out the blank fish above (or draw your own)
    2. Give the kids a variety of paint colors on a plate.
    3. Dip your fingertips in the paint and make fingerprint scales all over the blank fish. So colorful and pretty!
snack idea: Jell-O Cup-O-Fish or Goldfish crackers

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