
Friday, April 22, 2011


We had to include worms this week. We read a non-fiction book about worms from the library. Now we know:
  • Worms don’t have eyes
  • They do have mouths at the end of their body.
  • They eat dirt and leaves
  • They dig tunnels in the dirt
  • They like it wet.
  • Frogs, fish and birds like to eat worms.
Pick a book with lots of pictures, those are the best. I told my 3-year-old he could go dig worms in the dirt … when Dad gets home.
  • Finger Puppet Birds
    1. Print out these birds on Click the link.
    2. Cut out the openings.
    3. The kids can stick their little fingers in the holes for the beak.
  • Birds eat Worms!
    1. Scatter gummy worms (those are my kind of worms) all over the floor
    2. Use the finger puppet birds to fly around the pick up the worms.
    3. Then eat them!
Snack Idea: Dirt cups (chocolate pudding with cookie crumbs on top and gummy worms in a cup)

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I remember going out to our lawn early mornings when I was young and putting worms in boxes for fishing. The smell still gets me... but this is a fun and non-yucky way to learn about worms! Thanks bunches!


I love your comments! Feel free to leave a link if you've done any of these activities with your kids. I'd love to visit your blog!