
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Preschool Plan for January!

I hope you’re still in the middle of your Christmas vacation like we are!

Here is our preschool plan for January 2012. We’re continuing on with letter N which is perfect for the New Year and all those numbers on our new calendars. You can find more details on any of the activities included by clicking on the letter categories in the sidebar.

If you download this preschool plan, I’d love it if you’d leave a comment letting me know if they’re helpful to you!

To download:

    1. Click on the calendar below.
    2. Click on “Print” icon (at the top left)

You can also find each month over in the right sidebar. Feel free to email with any questions!


Happy 2012!


  1. I just found your blog and LOVE it! I started homeschooling this year and also started a little preschool at my house. I am loving your monthly lesson plans, this is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Hey Lindsy. Just wanted to say thank you, thank you, thank you for your awesome blog! Shelli told me about it and I have been using it with my little munchkins for the past few months. Your blog is organized in such a way that I don't have to spend a lot of time finding and planning activities, which means more time enjoying my kids. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Kelly, you're welcome!! Good luck with your homeschooling & preschool. Wow, you're one busy mom!

  4. I think I love you! I just found your site and will be implementing your calendar (thank you!). I work in a daycare with mixed age-groups and we all trudge through together. Sometimes putting a lesson plan together that involved all ages is agonizing and I run out of ideas. This will help so much.

    1. Ha Ha Danette. You made me laugh :) So glad you can use the plans. Our day always goes so much better with a plan and something fun to look forward to! Enjoy!

  5. Hello Lindsy! I just came across your blog and found the monthly plans. Very impressed! I have already downloaded all the plans and will use them for my almost three year old son who just started learning his ABCs. He goes to daycare in Japan and we do English learning activities at home as my husband is from Canada. Thanks very much.

  6. WOW!! THANK YOU!!! This is fabulous to use with my mixed ages daycare! Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas :) What a fantastic blog!
    Jennifer - Feels Like Home Daycare

  7. THIS IS AMAZING!!! I just found this while looking for some lesson plans to use while homeschool/preschooling my almost 4 year old. Thank you so much for making these available!

  8. Liked the calendar for January. Very organized curriculum. I am not able to find the rest of the months

    1. You can find them on the sidebar .... September through May!


I love your comments! Feel free to leave a link if you've done any of these activities with your kids. I'd love to visit your blog!