
Friday, September 2, 2011


pizza  pizzapat  pizza2

  • Great Pizza Books!
    1. My kids love Pizza Pat by Rita Golden Gelmen. It has a similar format to “This is the House that Jack Built” … I love the descriptive words they use.
    2. Pete’s a Pizza by William Steig. On a rainy day, Pete’s dad makes Pete into a pizza!
  • Pizza Parlor Play
    1. Use foam craft paper to cut out pizza toppings (green peppers, black olives, red pepperoni, yellow shredded cheese, white mushrooms).
    2. Gather a pizza pan, plastic utensils, rolling pin, apron and plates.
    3. Make a simple menu by folding a piece of cardstock in half. Glue and label one of each of your foam pizza topping inside.
    4. Let the kids use a pad of paper and pencil to pretend taking orders from the menu, making, serving and eating the pizza!
    5. NOTE: for more fun, grab a couple of clean, empty pizza boxes (smaller sizes) from a local pizza parlor. Let the kids make their pizzas in the boxes, close them up and deliver to their customers!
  • Work together to make a Pizza!
    1. Cut out a large round circle “pizza crust”
    2. Work together with your preschooler to build a yummy pizza.
    3. Paint it red for pizza sauce.
    4. Snip yellow or white yarn into pieces and add as cheese.
    5. Add ham (pink squares or triangles)
    6. Add pepperoni buttons.
    7. Add anything else you or your preschooler can come up with!
    8. Slice up at the end of the day and let everyone have a piece.
  • Pizza Rhyme!
    1. Make a simple paper pizza (or use the one from above once it’s dry)
    2. Cut it into 6 pieces (or however many you like).
    3. Repeat the rhyme, removing one slice each time!

6 pieces of pizza tasty as can be,
(child's name) can eat a slice
and leave some for me.

5 pieces of pizza tasty as can be,
(child's name) can eat a slice
and leave some for me.

[continue counting down]

1 piece of pizza tasty as can be,
(child's name) can eat a slice
and leave none for me.

Yum, Yum, that was fun!
We love a pizza party!

  • Pizza Parachute
    1. Use a parachute as a big pizza (or simply a brown sheet or blanket).
    2. Throw on meat balls (small balls), pepperoni (red paper plates) and cheese (white or yellow bean bags).
    3. Try to flip the pizza without throwing the toppings off!

snack idea: mini pizzas

    1. Use small portions of pizza dough, English muffins or refrigerated biscuits for the crust.
    2. Flatten lightly.
    3. Add pizza sauce, cheese and toppings! Bake according to biscuit directions.

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