
Friday, September 30, 2011

Conference Watches

I thought these were cute. Little watches that say “It’s time to tune into conference!” Every six months, we get to listen to our prophet and the general authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It’s available to anyone here!

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I asked my kids if they wanted to wear one today and they were pretty excited to have their own “watch” with the prophet’s picture on the front. And yes, my 2-year-old has a never ending runny nose right now.


I ask them “what time is it?” and they look at their watch and know that it’s time for conference and that we get to listen to President Monson. Cute little reminder Smile


My favorite activity for the kids during General Conference is “Conference BINGO”

    1. Print out several conference BINGO cards here (there are 7 different ones)
    2. Clip them onto a clipboard or tape to a large hard-cover book (one per child!)
    3. Have a cup of crayons available.
    4. Give each child a baggie of treats (Gummy bears are my favorite. They don’t roll or melt but they’re still tasty!)
    5. Whenever the kids hear a speaker say one of the words on their BINGO card, they can color in the square and cover it with a gummy bear.
    6. When they fill up their card, they can eat their treats!
    7. TIP! I also like to enlist their help to fill up treat bags before each session. They write names on the bags, count the treats, and bag them. Their favorite job!

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  1. Congrats, you are the winner of The Blog on Fire Award and the Versatile Blogger Award!

  2. Love all these ideas! Those watches are so cute!


I love your comments! Feel free to leave a link if you've done any of these activities with your kids. I'd love to visit your blog!